The story of creation

Decoris Showroom has brought together well-known and award-winning brands  – Balmain Hair Couture, ghd, Kevin.Murphy, Halo, Hair Elegance, Vita Liberata, Supermood и Dondella. What unites these brands? We believe that the high quality of products and tools and friendship in relation to hair and skin and, of course, the desire to offer the client the best!

Decoris Showroom is located on the first floor of a renovated building in Tallinn, Tellisvi 60N. We can say that the opening of the Decoris Showroom embodied the dreams of several women. Over time, there was a friendly team, where everyone has his own task.

Decoris Showroom is waiting for you to get acquainted with our professional and friendly towards the hair brands – Balmain Hair Couture, ghd, KEVIN.MURPHY, HALO and Hair Elegance. By appointment, you can get to the hairdresser and make-up artist. We also conduct various courses (on products and different hair-do’s) for everybody – hairdressers, beginners and ordinary clients.